It is the County of Summit’s policy, per Codified Ordinance 169.21, that there be no discrimination with respect to hire, tenure, terms and conditions of or privileges of employment or any other matter directly related to employment against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic to the extent protected by law. The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Compliance Administrator has been designated by the County Executive as the primary contact person for discrimination and harassment complaints. The EEO Compliance Administrator is responsible for employment related training, employment law compliance and complaint procedures, e.g., harassment, discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charges and Ohio Civil Rights Commission complaints. If you believe you have experienced discrimination or harassment, contact the EEO Compliance Administrator immediately. If the EEO Compliance Administrator is not available, contact the Human Resource Director, Sharon Reaves. All employees are required to attend two hours of mandatory training every two years on harassment and diversity. For questions regarding EEOC, contact Kasie Pizarro of the Human Resource Commission. |